
Decorate with Books--and Look Really Smart!

I love books. Maybe because I have a degree in English and taught high school Language Arts before working as an editor and writer. I love everything about books. The way they look, the way they smell, the way they feel when I turn the pages. So it's probably no wonder that I've found myself collecting books. And upon running out of space on our bookshelf, I've turned to using them as part of my decor. (Okay, the word "decor" sounds way too fancy to describe my house but I can't think of another word to use!) So when I was looking through the Web site for Half-Price Books and ran across their Books by the Yard deal, I thought it was about the coolest thing EVER. For $17.50 (plus s&h if applicable) you can get approximately THREE LINEAR FEET OF BOOKS to use for decorating! You can even choose among Reader's Digest Condensed Books, Mixed Books, Reference Books, and Law Books. For less than 20 bucks you can instantly add some eclectic decorating to your place AND look really smart at the same time! What a fabulous idea, Half-Price Books! Wish I'd thought of it!


The Fritz Facts said...

Half Price Books...did you hear me sigh. My idea of heaven is that store. I have one 10 minutes from my house, and I am there at least twice a month. Boo even longs for it at times.

That is great idea. I am going to have to look at it the next time I am on their site.

Lisa said...

This IS a great idea! I LOVE hardcover classic novels, but I only like them "well-loved" to put on my shelf! What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

eababy said...

To my fav. blogger.

I have a gift next time you are in "O" town. The wonderful attorney I work for is getting rid of a set of the 2005 Iowa Code (cool looking law books) I told him that I knew someone who likes to Decorate with books. He said that you could have them if you want them...Just let me know. Meg