
Only 83 More Shopping Days Left!!!

Every year I try to start my shopping early. You know, so I'm not spending hundreds of dollars (or should I say "borrowing hundreds of dollars from my friendly credit card") within a two-week period. But every year I still end up being caught in the last-minute frenzy of trying to get all of those recipients crossed off my list while also even-ing out the number of presents for my three kids. However, this year, since we are now enrolled in Financial Peace University, it's even more important that I don't leave all the gift-buying until December 20 (My "cash-flow plan" would not approve.), so I've been trawling the Web, trying to get the best deals while still buying cool, thoughtful, and practical gifts for the loved ones on my list. Since I've been trying to find places to store three kids' worth of gifts for the past four years, I've become more and more discriminating about what types of gifts to buy my own kids and others'.

As I was doing my daily stroll down Amazon Boulevard, I noticed some good deals that I thought I'd share with anyone else who's trying to get some shopping done before Halloween!

1:16 John Deere '70 Tractor with Disc
Being a farm girl (although one who didn't get her hands TOO dirty) from Iowa, I HAVE to recommend the John Deere tractor. I still have a metal John Deere like this from when I was little, and I know it will still be around for my grandkids to play with. In the age of cheap plastic toys, isn't it nice to give something that will last? And right now it's 50% off--only $28.86!

Beck Children's Red Locker
How cute would this be in a kid's room? I have a thing for lockers. Yeah, it's my dream to have a whole row of old school lockers in my garage. I'm not sure my hubby knows about this dream, but nonetheless, I love, love, love them! Especially when they're 50% off like this one! Only $19 right now!

Imaginext Adventures Battle Coach
Yeah, I'm pretty sure my husband would NOT appreciate it if I bought this for one of our boys. Not because they wouldn't love it, but because we already own THREE Fisher-Price Castles AND a Tree Fort, along with oogles of knights, dragons, ogres, swords, horses, and cannons. But they don't have THIS PARTICULAR BATTLE COACH! And it's CHEAP! Only $5.50! Hmm...I may have to try to sneak this one under the tree...

Space Station from Learning Resources
I know my 4-year-old would love this, as would my nephews...SOMEONE on my list is getting this. I really like Learning Resources' products. They're well-made and really educational. AND this is 70% off--only $13.49!!! Yeah, maybe EVERYONE on my list is getting this! (Although my 11-year-old niece may be a bit LESS than thrilled.)

Monopoly Clone Wars
After throwing away our last Monopoly game because I was tired of finding the pieces strewn throughout the house, I'm not sure my kids are ready for another Monopoly game. But the fact that they LOVE Star Wars and are a bit older now makes me want to consider it. Oh, AND the fact that it's on sale for $13.53...

Melissa & Doug Presidents 100-Piece Puzzle
It's never too early to instill a little American history and a recognition of the leaders of the past...Melissa & Doug puzzles are wonderful, sturdy and engaging puzzles. Boy #3 is crazy about puzzles, so we definitely know which ones can stand up to repeated play. I hadn't seen this particular one before, and I think in light of the fact that the most important election in recent history is a mere 4 weeks away, this would be a very timely gift! $11.96.

Look for more gift ideas soon—and let me know if you've got some great gift ideas as well!

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